Practice Patterns 2019: Some Statistics and Practice Advice
If you’ve ever been to YogaJaya, you know that our teachers are helping the students a lot throughout the class. Occasionally a teacher may give you…
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Seasons of Life
“Today we live in a chaos of straight lines, in a jungle of straight lines. If you do not believe this, take the trouble to count…
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Ready To Change Your Life
Change has always been a challenge for me. The uncomfortable fear of the unknown, insecurity that seems to shake the ground beneath, not knowing where you…
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Why you may want to commit
Have you ever thought of developing the cognitive and emotional skills of a monk, but gave up after trying 2 sessions of the Headspace meditation app? Or…
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Mārjārottānāsana: The earliest known ‘cat’ pose
The earliest known description of 'Cat' pose (to date) is called Mārjārottānāsana (Upturned Cat Pose), which is described in an eighteenth-century yoga text the Haṭhābhyāsapaddhati. The image seen here is…
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Śvottānāsana- The earliest known ‘dog’ pose
The earliest known description (to date) of 'Dog' Pose is called Śvottānāsana (Up-turned Dog Pose) described in an eighteenth-century yoga text called the Haṭhābhyāsapaddhati. Śvottānāsana Having…
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Remembering the Restful State
Lying on the ground as a position in which meditation techniques are practiced is not new to Indian yoga traditions. As early as the 12th century,…
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Movement is Transformation
“I am hungry, I need to eat. But people are not realising that I need to move now. Because if I don’t move now, in a…
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Optimizing Health Through Yoga
Over the years of dedicated yoga practice, I have experienced my health go through a variety of fluctuations. This eventually took me into a more sensitive…
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The Anatomy of Yoga
In the ultimate sense, the goal of yoga (which means union) is the realisation that the individual consciousness is one with the universal consciousness. This is…
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