YogaJaya Newsletter: January 2011


2011 卯年 marks the year of the rabbit

wishing you all the best for the upcoming year

a year which promises
generosity, sensitivity, flexibility and compassion


yogajaya winter 2011 schedule & guest teachers

the new schedule from january 8th is now ready
enjoy 2011 with a diverse line-up of new teachers and guests from around the world

resident teachers

patrick oancia
satoko horie
shinobu nakano
asako ota
stephanie hanamura
tomoko nakanishi
michihiro sotomura
ryuta nagasawa
nao saeki
masae shimizu
kengo nomura
satoru koguchi
yumiko terasaki
mayuko nakamura

guest teachers

elana katz
martha strongin katz
adrian cox
jim harrington
philipp lemke
amrit stein
simon bog-olivier
chris kummer
emil wendel
clive sheridan
jason crandell
mark shveima
edward clark
dave stringer
junko niwa
lance schuler
florian palzinsky


expanding the visual field:
open eye meditation
course with elana katz

9 wednesdays 18:30-20:00
– february 2, 9, 16, 23, march 2, 9, 16, 12, 30

see more information: English / 日本語

yogajaya hatha yoga basic course
designed to help beginners get a head start

7 saturdays 16:50-18:20
– november 6,13, 20, 27, december 4, 11, 18

see more information: English / 日本語

creative improvisation:
investigate the inner landscape
course with elana katz

4 saturdays 16:40-18:10
– march 5, 12, 19, 26

see more information: English / 日本語

adrian cox
five day course on yoga, trance, and nlp
flying cat-yoga workshop


more information soon to come


yogajaya international intensive teachertraining
yogajaya 300 hour (yoga alliance 200 hour)

july, august, october, november 2011

program information session
february 6th sunday 2011, 18:30- at yogajaya studio
[free of charge, no reservation needed]


patrick oancia 2011
international workshop dates

catch patrick in one of the following places from january to june

yogajaya – tokyo, japan : 1/14-1/31
home yoga – berlin, germany : 2/14-2/20
tanzmoto – essen, germany: 2/21-2/24
air yoga – zurich, switzerland : 2/25-3/4
karma calmer studio – cape town, south africa : 3/11-3/21
air yoga – munich, germany : 3/23-3/27
odaka yoga – rome, italy : 4/1-4/2
arte vida yoga studio – salzburg, austria : 4/6-4/12
power yoga hamburg – hamburg, germany : 4/15-4/17
yogajaya – tokyo, japan : 4/21-6/10
evolution asia yoga conference – hong kong : 6/9- 6/12
yogajaya – tokyo, japan : 6/15-12/15

see more information: English / 日本語



jim harrington
workshop & course
an authentic yoga practice with “heart”


more information soon to come

philipp lemke
morning practice course: awakening your prana

06:30-08:30 every morning, may 2-6

exploring our modern lives through the lens of yoga philosophy

every evening, may 2-6

more information soon to come

roberto milletti
odaka yoga contemporaneo workshop

may 15

more information soon to come

patrick oancia
japan courses, immersions and workshops

may – december

more information soon to come

simon borg-olivier
yoga synergy immersion


more information soon to come

emil wendel
pranayama & beyond 2011 tokyo
morning pranayama/meditation
yoga philosophy evening workshop


more information soon to come

chris kummer
yoga and anatomy
enlightening your understanding of yoga practice


more information soon to come

clive sheridan
weekend workshop

september 3 & 4

mitake mountain retreat

september 5-11

more information soon to come

mark shveima
anusara yoga workshop

september 17-18

more information soon to come

edward clark
tripsichore workshops in tokyo

october 16-22

more information soon to come

florian palzinsky
yoga and meditation workshops, courses and public classes


more information soon to come


yogajaya web 2.0 social networking

connect to yogajaya on facebook and twitter and build like minded networks

go to YogaJaya FaceBook group!

go to YogaJaya Twitter group!