David Swenson: Premier Tokyo Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Workshop and Ashtanga First series teacher training.
October 18, 2005
Nadi Shodana / Nerve Cleansing
An Introduction to the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga.
Students should have a regular practice of the First Series in order to attend this class. There will be an introductory discussion of the dynamics inherent to the Second Series and then the class will flow through as much of the Series as seems appropriate. There will be a variety of options given for each posture in order to allow multiple approaches.
October 19, 2005
Balance Length and Oppositions of Force
This class is an Exploration of the opposing forces at play within the Standing Sequence and effective methods of applying that awareness to find greater balance and depth in daily practice.
October 20, 2005
This class will turn your world upside/down in order to explore the dynamics of inverting the body through building a solid foundation from which to grow while also looking at the opposing forces at play in Inversions. Backbends will be redefined as front openings and sitting quietly will be explored as an active participation in self-exploration through developing a relationship with our lifelong companion, breath.
Tokyo Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Workshop
October 14-16, 2005
October 14, 2005
David will begin with a lecture and demonstration, followed by:
First Module
The Physics of Flight: This is an exploration of the principles which comprise the dynamic movement of vinyasa. David will break the vinyasa down into many small sections and provide a details overview of jumping through. This is an energetic and fun class open to all levels. There will be a lot of partner work.
October 15, 2005
Second Module
The Breath of Life and the invisible realms of Ashtanga Yoga: Here students look at Ujjayi Breath and the Bandhas. David discusses the importance of controlled and focused breath within the practice as well as the effects this may have on daily life. The module will finish with some simple pranayama. Open to all levels.
October 15, 2005
Third Module
Handstands, Feet stands and Discovering Balance through the Union of Opposing Forces: Detailed look at the dynamics of opposing forces in practice that create balance. This balance will be explored in asanas where we stand on our feet as well as asanas where we are standing on our hands or forearms. It is a fun module open to all levels. The participants do not have to be able to stand on their hands to attend. It is safe and playful. Open to all levels.
October 16, 2005
Fourth Module
Fully Led Primary Series Class: David sometimes calls this class the “Ashtanga Train” since it does not stop flowing along from the time it leaves the Sun Salutations and continues to chug along all of the way to Shavasana. This module is recommended for students already familiar with the first series and know the sequencing.
Ashtanga first series Teacher Training
October 17-23, 2005
This 40 hour course will cover the teaching techniques of the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. The participants will learn safe and effective hands-on adjustments through partner work for all of the asanas, practicalities of conducting a class and yoga theory.
The course is not designed as an avenue to learn the sequence.This is a deep immersion into the details underlying the practice and teaching of Ashtanga Yoga. One need not be a teacher to attend or even desire to be a teacher. Many participants attend simply to deepen there own practice.