Edward Clark: Tripsichore Vinyasa Yoga Workshop VINYASA - INNOVATION AND ORTHODOXY
The concept of vinyasa as applied to yoga philosophy could either be considered very ancient or radically new. In either case, vinyasa seems to be the great contribution to yoga of this particular generation of yogis. Most yoga discipline has worked on refining one's self in the direction of greater stillness - an absence of movement in the mind and body. Superficially, vinyasa would seem to contradict this. However, the mental focus and physical technique needed to bring about continuous fluid movement can also bring one to a "seat" of great stability and clarity. The stability is not only in the posture, but in the transition between postures - to the point where there is no distinction between movement and stillness.
VINYASA in our definition, is the evenly metered flow of movement, breath and thought resulting in a smooth, uninflected state of being. The vinyasa techniques are pursued to bring about clarity and stability to one's thoughts and actions. Tripsichore endeavours to do this in class and onstage.
Module 1
Sunday June 24, 2007. 9:30-12:30
Tripsichore Sun Salutations consist of some extraordinary variations and are constructed to work on a variety of bhanda principles. (e.g. how to float in a jump back or jump forward lightly.how to change a Crow into a Headstand or even a Handstand). This session will focus on learning the innovative Tripsichore Sun Salutes while clarifying the specifics of breathing and bandha techniques, as well as the relevance of Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Vinyasa. The Tripsichore view on these subjects is adventurous and innovative, but also respectful of orthodox tradition. The techniques used to achieve "spectacular" postures are the same as for seemingly "simple" postures. For those who are just coming to grips with these practices, this workshop will help you grasp a method through which you can work to master them.
Module 2
Sunday June 24, 2007. 13:30-16:30
Inversions and Back Bends
Inversions -- If you are scared by the prospect, this really is THE opportunity to get down to beating the fear by discovering how to safely and confidently execute inverted postures. If you love inverted work, this is the chance to glory in some of the most exciting variations you are likely to see. We'll accommodate everyone.
Back Bends - It isn't just about how flexible you are (okay, it helps), but it is really about what you do when you get there. This will not just be static positions, but will look at approaches to vinyasa within a back bend situation.