Emil Wendel: Pranayama & Beyond Tokyo 2019
In his 19th visit to YogaJaya since 2003, we welcome Emil Wendel back in this rare and wonderful opportunity to grasp an understanding of the sources of Yoga, in a practical and historical introduction to the yoga philosophy.
Pranayama & Guided Meditation: A Step-by-Step Approach
October 19 - 25
Morning Practice Immersion
Saturday(10/19) & Sunday(10/20): 8:00-9:30
Monday to Friday (10/21~10/25): 6:45-8:15
Through the application of Prânâyâma in daily practice, it is said that the yogin starts to refine an internal journey to self-realization.
During this week-long morning immersion, Emil endeavors to help support each student find her or his own pace to develop a personal practice.
Some of the breathing techniques introduced throughout the week are common to all schools of Prânâyâma.
The guided meditation offered each day has a specific focus on refining the qualities of stillness in practice. The sessions will draw on insights from the disciplines of Râja-Yoga: Âsana, Prânâyâma, Pratyâhâra, and Dhâranâ.
This immersion is open to all levels, from beginner students right up to long-time practitioners of Yoga.
(7 Mornings of consecutive practice: October 19-25, 2019)
Single Day Drop-In (see package pricing below):
Non-Member: ¥6000
Member: ¥5500
YJAT: ¥5300
Yoga Philosophy Weekend Seminars
October 26 & 27
A History of Yoga in Pictures:
From the Beginnings in Ancient India to Modern Postural Yoga
Saturday, October 26, 2019 (3 hours, 10:30 ~ 13:30)
Emil will guide us through the history of Yoga, using images that will help participants visualize the concepts. The seminar will directly correlate with Emil`s 40+ years of experience working, researching and practicing in India and Nepal.
This seminar is educational for all levels, from beginner students right up to long-time practitioners of Yoga.
Non-Member: ¥7300
Member: ¥7000
YJAT: ¥6800
What does 'Modern Yoga’ mean? -
How does Yoga practice today differ from classical Yoga?
Sunday, October 27, 2019 (3 hours, 10:30 ~ 13:30)
This philosophy seminar goes deeper into the question of identity regarding our practice. We look at the main differences between ancient classical Yoga and the more recent forms that have become popular. In the second half of this seminar, we shall look at how we can make sense of the countless modern schools that offer Yoga, and choose wisely between the options.
This seminar is aimed at practitioners and teachers that yearn for a deeper understanding of their practice.
Non-Member: ¥7300
Member: ¥7000
YJAT: ¥6800
Morning Practice Immersion Package Pricing:
Weekend Package (10/19 & 10/20)
Non-Member: ¥10000
Member: ¥9600
YJAT: ¥9200
5 Weekday Package (10/21~10/25)
Non-Member: ¥22000
Member: ¥21600
YJAT: ¥21200
7 Day Package (10/19~10/25)
Non-Member: ¥28000
Member: ¥27600
YJAT: ¥27200
Yoga Philosophy Weekend Seminar Package Pricing:
10/26 & 10/27
Non-Member: ¥13600
Member: ¥13000
YJAT: ¥12600
Pranayama & Beyond Package Pricing: Morning Immersion + Weekend Seminars.(Limited: 10 Spots):
Non-Member: ¥38600
Member: ¥37600
YJAT: ¥36800