Geshe Michael Roach & Christie McNally: Lectures, Japan Tour
The Yoga of Relationships
- Saturday June 14: 18:30-21:00
A physical relationship is fine. Love is even better. Throw in the soul, and the other two go to a whole new, much higher plane. So says Geshe Michael Roach, the first American to complete the 20-year Geshe degree (equivalent to a double doctorate in philosophy) in a traditional Tibetan monastery. Geshe Michael and his spiritual partner, Lama Christie McNally will give a talk on how ancient yogic wisdom can help you find and keep your perfect partner. And make your relationship truly meaningful. The Yoga of Relationships draws on a thousand-year old teaching from India and Tibet and explains how you can help turn your relationship into a spiritual one, or help you find your spiritual mate. You will receive a copy of the ancient text, with one of the first translations into English, and word-by-word instructions on how to make it work here in the 21st Century.
Geshe Michael Roach and Lama Christie McNally, themselves spiritual partners, will delve into the wisdom of these timeless verses and offer practical and profound advice for anyone who wants to find love and sustain it.
Here are some of the questions Geshe Michael and Lam
a Christie will answer in their talk.
1. What do the ancient texts say is the key to finding your perfect partner?
2. Why do relationships normally fail?
3. What is the highest evolution of a relationship? What does a truly spiritual partnership look like?
4. What is so unique about the Buddhist method of finding, keeping, and being happy with a partner, that we haven’t heard before?
5. What benefits do you see in openly sharing your spiritual partnership, between an ordained monk and a non-ordained woman, which is traditionally kept secret in the Buddhist tradition?
6. How to get your partner to be more affectionate?
7. What’s the source of the text you’re using?
The Executive Yogi - How To Be Successful and Happy in the World
- Sunday, June 15: 18:30-21:00
"Money doesn't come from working." - Geshe Michael Roach
How does that work?Geshe Michael and Lama Christie draw from their rich spiritual lineage to explain and discuss just how this provocative claim does work.
Good Health and Wealth are things that everyone should have. To create the causes for prosperity and happiness, we have to learn how to tap into our potential and open our minds to serving the world. We all know the enormous health benefits of Yoga, but how do we apply those same keys to create wealth and attract success in the other parts of our life? Come and explore how to create radical transformation in your business and your life with Geshe Michael Roach - author of the Doubleday/Random House bestseller “The Diamond Cutter - The Buddha on Managing your Business and Your Life” - and his spiritual and business partner Lama Christie McNally.