Simon Borg-Olivier: Anatomy and Physiology - Berlin, Germany

July 16, 2012 - July 21, 2012
Tags : | anatomy and physiology | lecture

YogaJaya International Intensive Teacher Training
Individual Modules

The YogaJaya Teacher Training can be attended as an entire course and or individual modules. Completed Modules will be credited toward our YogaJaya Teacher Training Accreditation (YJA) and certain modules can also count as continuing education and training for Yoga Alliance registered teachers. Anyone is welcome to attend listed sessions with or without the desire to be accredited.

more info on CET programs.....

Anatomy and Physiology - 18 Hour Module
July 16-21

July 16th, 12:30-17:30
July 17th, 12:15-13:45
July 18th, 12:15-13:45
July 19th, 12:30-17:30
July 20th, 08:00-10:30 & 11:00-13:30

Overview of human body systems and organ function
Skeletal system
Muscle tissue physiology
Muscular system
Circulatory (cardiovascular) system
Respiratory system
Nervous system and relationship to the subtle energy system
Digestive system
Lymphatic system
Endocrine system
Reproductive health

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Berlin Yoga
Berlin, Germany
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