Steph Davis: High Places: Conquering Fear en route to ‘Impossible’ Dreams

July 30, 2010 - July 30, 2010
Tags : | public talk | rock climbing | self actualization | self-inquiry

YogaJaya is thrilled to announce that it will be hosting the summer 2010 Japan speaking tour of one of the world’s unique adventurists and rock climbers, Steph Davis. Steph’s personal-empowerment tour is aimed at describing her life experiences to people who seek to discover within themselves their own power to be free and to pursue their dreams in all fields of endeavor.

Telling her story in words accompanied by videos and still images of her exploits, Steph describes her experiences of base jumping (parachuting off of mountain peaks), wing-suit flying (flying through the sky using nothing but a winged bodysuit) and free-solo climbing (climbing mountains alone, without any safety ropes). She presents all of these amazing feats as nothing but new ways by which she learned how to understand and overcome her deepest fears...

Steph Davis has pushed the limits in climbing for years. She is known for her alpine ascents in the Patagonia mountain range (in South America) and for her repeated free climbs of El Cap, a 3000 foot (915 meters) granite wall in Yosemite National Park.

In summer 2007, Steph Davis expanded her adventure activities to the world of skydiving (parachuting from airplanes and gliders) and base-jumping (jumping from mountain peaks and ledges). She took on these two new sports as extensions of her already challenging full-commitment style of free climbing. At the same time, she free-soloed the 1500 foot (460meters) granite wall on the Long’s Peak Diamond four times.

Steph found that by testing the limits of her own fear, she could achieve a near-limitless sense of freedom and an ability to outperform in all fields and environments.

Near her home in the Utah desert of the United States, Steph made the third successful ascent of Concepcion, known as one of the most difficult pure crack climbs in the world. Then, combining all of her activities, she free-soloed the North Face of Mount Castleton, becoming the first person ever to free-solo that route, and she then capped it all by base-jumping back to the foot of the peak from the top of the tower.

Steph Davis sees free-soloing, big-wall climbing and base-jumping as merely different roads to a common human goal of learning how to transcend fear in order to find ultimate freedom. She is now translating her personal experiences into an unique public-speaking tour to help others to recognize their own personal power to transcend their fears and doubts in order to achieve their own ‘impossible’ dreams.

Steph is also currently working on a second book called "Learning to Fly" about learning how to transcend fear, and discovering evolution and freedom through flight.

The Public Talk will take place between 19:00-21:00 at the museum restaurant "content" in the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, in Koto-ku.

Doors will open at 18:30.
Try content's great food (dinner available until 21:00, drinks available untill 21:30).
Great ambient chill-out music djs also on the night.


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Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Content
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