Louisa Sear

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Louisa Sear has been practising yoga for 23 years and teaching 19. She teaches workshops and retreats in Australia, Europe, the United States and South East Asia. In 1987 she established her Byron Bay yoga studio, Yoga Arts.
She regularly teaches workshops and retreats around the world and is director of the Yoga Arts yoga teacher training courses held in Bali, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and Sri Lanka and soon in Tokyo. The courses are registered with IternationalYoga Alliance. Louisa has produced two yoga-teaching videos that beginners can use for home study. She has studied with Sri K Pattabhi Jois and BKS Iyengar, Greeta and Prashant Iyengar, Martyn Jackson and Eve Grybowski and undertaken long studies of meditation.


Physically, my body was changing. I felt physically and mentally stable, and I felt my feet firmly on the ground. I was able to concentrate and pay attention to the details of my body and my mind.


  • Easily learn with hundreds of informative lecture videos created by experienced teachers, which go far beyond the typical “yoga” related content
  • Practice method that builds body awareness and safely develops strength, flexibility and control over movements.


  • Interactive online platform, fine-tuned over the past 5 years. Unique learning architecture
  • Self-paced study, no payment upfront, check it out before any commitment
  • All in-person learning only in small groups or one-on-one
  • Focus on skill-building and understanding rather than memorization
  • 100% of our graduates feel confident to teach immediately
  • Fully online with hybrid options available


  • “A movement practice that makes sense”
  • “A movement practice that connects the dots”
  • An approach for those who wants to “understand WHY”