Qbi first heard about Power Yoga in California, where she took classes in San Francisco from Larry Schultz, founder of the “It’s yoga” studio. She experienced a revelation and has has lived yoga intensely for more than 10 years, attending trainings and workshops with masters Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sharon Gannon & David Life, Lance Schuler, David Swenson, Seane Corn, Yogeswari and Glenn Ceresoli. Qbi is deeply grateful for what such teachers have done worldwide over the past decade and is inspired by their spirit, love and strength. She also trained in Mexico, with Bryan Kest, a rebel of the international yoga scene. Qbi is one of the very few Germans to take his highly-regarded course. Honoring her commitment to Jivamukti, Qbi also uses yoga in international peace projects focusing on women and young girls. Qbi and her friend Sunny (who also studied with Kest) teach in their studios in Hamburg and Lu¨beck where you can do Power Yoga in the original American style, as well as Jivamukti and Inspya yoga - inspirational yoga for everyone. Qbi has a flowing, dynamic style that grows out of her creativity, free spirit and easy sense of humor.