YogaJaya Internation Teacher Training 2007 Graduate Testimonials
YogaJaya Teacher Training has offered me great transformation in me. My love for yoga has led me to personally study and read books, but by going through this Teacher Training, I have been able to learn the various dimensions of yoga, from yoga history and anatomyessential to asana. Furthermore, the diverse approach to self-inquiry imbedded in yoga has allow me to re-discover myself, loosen the subconscious locks in my heart, and truly made me feel relaxed and free. I have also become able to practice according to my condition, to the extent that yoga has deeply penetrated further within me and become a part of my body. I hope to communicate this wonderful yoga magic to all those around me, by absorbing its benefits and importance within me through continual practice.
YogaJaya’s Teacher Training also allows one to learn from teachers with amazing experience from around the world, whom you cannot usually encounter. I can’t think of any other program that is as fulfilling as this offered in Japan.
What I have absorbed from this Teacher Training is a genuine treasure that will never break nor disappear. What I have learnt from this training will never diminish, and give me light from deep inside my heart.
The Yogajaya TT offered me the opportunity to learn Yoga in a rich and experimental environment. Studying with teachers of various styles of Yoga (Sivananda, Iyengar, Vinyasa) allowed me to experience different styles of teaching and to reflect about the style of Yoga that I want to practice and teach in the future. I am very thankful to Yogajaya for organizing this multidisciplinary course as a space for many beautiful souls to join and learn from each other, growing and expanding our awareness of Yoga as a way to nurture not only our bodies but also our inner selves. Good luck!
It was a wonderful experience to learn from so many wonderful and renowned teachers. I learnt to look at yoga from different perspectives and angles, which was an eye-opening experience. This TT has also equipped me with more knowledge to share with my students and deepen my personal practice. Furthermore, I became close friends with a few of my fellow yoga teachers from this TT. It is important to develop a yoga community to support each other and share our passion in yoga. Thank you very much, YogaJaya.