Bring Balance to your Practice and Smile!! Workshop with Kranti
This is course designed to help yoga practitioners of all levels understand integration of a steady and contemplative approach to deepening yoga practice.
This course is open to all levels.
Morning Session:
8:00 to 10:00
Cultivating Sthira
In the Yoga Sutras (book 2, chapter 46) Patanjali states: Sthira Sukham Asanam Asana is a steady (Sthira), comfortable (Sukham), posture (Asanam).
This morning session will start with short meditation and visualization on steadiness, follow by a well rounded Hatha Vinyasa practice with a particular focus on balance, cultivating the yoga asana aspect of Sthira ( a principal of firmness, steadiness ,and vigilance.) to develop concentration and control of the body-mind organism.
Afternoon Session:
14:00 to 17:00
Slow Deep Stretching
In this "Slow Deep Stretching" practice students will discover the physical and mental challenge of holding postures for longer periods of time, understanding the benefits as well as in some cases the Contraindications/Cautions.
How Abhyasa and Vairagya relate with yoga practice and daily life.
Abhyasa, in Hinduism, is spiritual practice which is regular and constant practice over a long period of time. Vairagya translates as dispassion or renunciation, in particular renunciation from the pains and pleasures in the material world.