Demian McKinley: Elements of Yoga Workshop
Yoga is scientific and very practical in its approach, and can provide a means for living a fulfilling, meaningful and clear life. It unravels years of tension making the mind and body youthful and may even help in clarifying our individual purpose for living. In this class we will examine the elements of yoga practice that make it powerful and can put us on the fast track to live happily and freely.
Course space Limited. Confirmation by advanced booking only.
Module 1: Foundation- Opening the physical body
March 13th 08:00-10:30
Preparing the physical body is of vital importance to the deeper intention of yoga, the creation of inner peace and increasing the amount of energy that can flow through the body. Starting with the breath, we will experience the difference between “efforting” or forcing our practice and “allowing” or practicing from a place of surrender to what is. We’ll explore the “bandhas” or internal muscular locks and the dynamic of the spine, the direction of our attention, which all combined, heal the body and stabilize the mind. Finally with the mind and body stabilized and perception clear, we can begin a deeper inquiry of yoga practice in meditation.
Module 2: Life Force- Opening the subtle body
March 14th 08:00-10:30
In the second module we will focus on the subtle movement of the life force or "prana" and practices that increase it’s flow. We’ll begin by reading sutras from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, to create a context for our practice, then using chanting and pranayama we will build our available prana. Using asana we can direct and increase the flow of the prana, and finally the body and mind prepared, we will use visualization and meditation to invite the experience of the “stillpoint” or state of flow in the body and mind where all is working seamlessly as an integrated whole, body, mind and spirit.