Do More by Doing Less. Do Less by Doing More
When we reduce the intensity of muscular contractions and combine them with Micromovements, we increase the amount of sensory feedback from the muscles, engage finer muscle fibers, and have more attentional resources to allocate to our muscles without fatigue.
At the same time, by engaging more muscles then necessary to perform a particular movement (and again, when combined with Micromovements), we reduce the load on each particular muscle, immediately experiencing more strength. This way we also maximize the time that a given muscle stays active (which means it keeps actively communicating with the brain) within a training session.
In this VS we will look at 2 sides of the Distributed Activation to see how Distributed Activation with Micromovements can be applied in different movement forms.
This VS will be approximately 30% theory and 70% practice.
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April 6, 2022: 14:00-15:30 EST (Eastern Standard Time)
What are virtual Sessions?
Virtual Sessions are a “live” educational format offered on the Baseworks Practice Platform.
Whereas the Online Practice Sessions are designed to provide the opportunity to develop your practice through repetition, the Virtual Sessions are designed to provide real-time feedback and insight, which can then be re-applied during the Online Practice Sessions.
The level of interactivity in the Virtual Sessions is dependent on the interest/involvement of the participants and may vary from session to session.
Each virtual session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes.