Emilio Mercuriali: Self Inquiry: Diamond Logos Workshops
Our personality, or “ego structure”, is our interface to the world. It is the software with which we look, perceive and interpret the outer reality. When it comes to relationships, our interpretations of the reality can sometimes be very personalized and completely distorted because of the effect of our personal life experiences.
The Diamond logos approach explores the experience of being human. With this understanding we learn to render our personality in a more resilient and realistic way. This approach is designed to help us to understand and overcome the distorted effects that our impressions from the past and can have on us.
In these three modules, participants will learn how to use “self inquiry” applications to better understand psychological landscapes and issues. The outcome is to unblock capacities and personal growth so to better discern positive outcomes in thought and action.
Module 1: What is the Diamond Logos? How does it work?
September 13
The first day will delve into the basic understanding and applications necessary to develop the Diamond Logos approach. Sessions will include practice sessions and Q&A.
The View - Understanding the difference between ego and essence
When not understood, “ego” is a scheme, or set of mechanical reactions, creating patterns in experience. This session will focus on how to discern the archetypes so to interact and respond to our perceptions of reality in a healthy and constructive way. Ppractice sessions, self-inquiry and Q&A.
Presence and Grounding - Being here and now and grounded in reality
Developing an understanding how we usually disconnect from being present by obsessing, indulging, being distracted, or attempt to live life only by rationalizing in our conceptual mind. Participants will explore how to not be distracted by the amplification of emotional states and to be totally focused throughout the process. Practice sessions, self-inquiry and Q&A.
Module 2
September 14
Courage to be oneself - Life Force and Anger
Anger is the emotion that is most condemned in spiritual traditions and social code. In the Diamond Logos approach, we harvest the intrinsic energy of anger that becomes the fuel that can propel us out of the limitations of our ego structure. This can lead to positive changes and more dynamic life experience. Participants will explore how to overcome fear as a limitation of our habitual mind. Self-inquiry and Q&A.
Detailed practice session:
- Understanding how our energy gets exhausted through patterns
- Experiencing the direct effect of how this blocks us
- Exploring the basic modalities of ego expression in energy, anger, passive aggression, and disconnection
History of anger
Exploring our past: How our relationship to anger is influenced by our environment, culture and society. Practice sessions, self-inquiry and Q&A.
Module 3
September 15
Joy and Curiosity – The Soul Child Part 1
When did we stop exploring life and became adults? Where did all the fun go? As adults, we are hiding the most exciting things about ourselves that end up not being integrated in a healthy way during our adult lives. Those things are left behind because we tend to be fearful of integrating them. This session focuses on reconnecting to the joy of being alive and spontaneous. Practice sessions, self-inquiry and Q&A.
Joy and Curiosity – The Soul Child Part 2
One aspect of “the soul child” is “sabotage”. It prevents your soul element to grow. It is intrinsic for the soul to mature over time. This session looks at the blockage in this developmental stage and how to move from a childish sabotage to nurturing and inspired interpersonal development. Practice sessions, self-inquiry and Q&A.