Glenn Ceresoli: Yogamind Iyengar Workshops in Tokyo
These Workshops will define essential considerations in the process of practicing Yoga. The workshops will focus on techniques that harness the forces of the body and the mind, which are the means by which we cultivate skill and depth of understanding.
Module 1: Standing Asanas & Simple Balancings
Friday 19:00-21:30
Legs are symbolic of our means to move around in the world. A dynamic workshop and focusing on Standing and Balancing asanas exploring very specific techniques of the leg work for economy of effort and optimum efficiency for support. Arms are symbolic of what we do in the world. The balancing asanas such as handstands and forearm balance will focus on the specific techniques of the arms and shoulders.
Module 2: Backbends
Saturday 9:15-12:15
This workshop will be a dynamic workshop. It will focus on applying the specific techniques of the legs and arms to optimise our ability to perform Back bending asanas whilst learning to minimising any side effects.
Module 3: Forward Bends & Inversions
Saturday 13:30-16:30
Will focus on Forward Bends, Inversions with the intention of utilising both subtle and gross techniques to gain access to the spine safely.
Module 4: Vinyasa Iyengar Style - Constant Integrated Awareness
Sunday 9:15-12:15
Stability - Precision - Timing
The transition points from one asana to another, entering and exiting an asana, are, crucial observation points. At these points, we look for stability. Without the stability factor, we risk compounding the irregularities in our system and create obstacles to the flow of energy, speeding up the process of degeneration. Removing or lessening the obstacles promotes freedom from the restrictive habits of our bodies and minds, and allows the energy to flow freely and gracefully.
A Vinyasa Yoga practice with the precision, technique and understanding of Iyengar Yoga. The timing factor requires that all parts of the body move in synchronicity and that we become accountable for the movement of the breath. Vinyasa practice without the above considerations can increase the imbalances in our system, rather than rectify or manage them. The aim is to experience a state of Constant Integrated Awareness.
Module 5: Balance Asanas
Sunday 13:30-16:30
A thorough look at the understanding and techniques behind such asanas as Ashtavakrasana and Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2. The conceptual approach and techniques will be laid down as a foundation and then the degree of difficulty of the asana will increase to challenge and upgrade the ability of the student.