[CANCELLED] Jim Harrington: Morning Immersion: Creating and Owning a Personal Practice

April 25, 2011 - April 29, 2011
Tags : | asana | hatha yoga | meditation | pranayama | self actualization | self-inquiry


Yoga is a practical art. This Immersion will be an inquiry into the manifestation of yoga practice in daily life.

Each of us has the opportunity to discover a unique and personal spirituality based on our own life experiences and our own passions.

Jims teachings will be based around developing a regular practice of Asana, Pranayama and reflective self inquiry to enhance our ability to not only cope with the world, but to also embrace life, experience it fully, and find the delight in the beauty of it.

Each day will involve short guided Pranayama and mediation followed by an uplifting asana practice.

The week long sessions will progress from a more alignment /technique focus to a flowing meditation in motion.

Space limited. Confirmation by advanced booking only.

Themes to be explored during the immersion:

An authentic yogi in a modern world?

Exploring the essence of motivation, commitment, and discipline and what it means to commit to being a modern yogi.

Truth, ego, and I

The inner world and the outer world are so often seen as separate zones. The yoga tradition aims to develop a more intimate understanding of our internal and external worlds. Almost all limitations that we meet in this world are self-imposed.

“Entering the forest”- The pursuit of reality

Taking on a commitment to use ones day to explore the real nature of reality is inherent in everyone. Knowing how to facilitate day-to-day activities as opportunities to experience the nature of reality in ourselves and our surroundings is essential.

The attitude of a yogi

A yogi, like the hero Prince Rama of the Indian Epic the Ramayana, enters the darkest depths of the forest with a heart filled with joy.


The yogi knows that every austerity is a wonderful opportunity to release his or herself from the ego and experience true freedom. Explore this attitude of heartfelt longing with yoga as the vehicle.

An authentic yogi in a modern world?

Exploring the essence of motivation, commitment, and discipline and what it means to commit to being a modern yogi.

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比寿西1丁目25−11 渋谷区, 東京 1530042 Japan + Google Map
Website: yogajaya.com
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