Patrick Oancia at yogafest 2009

September 20, 2009 - September 20, 2009
Tags : | asana | bandha | festival | hatha yoga | inversions | Patrick Oancia | pranayama | yin yoga


Yin Bliss

Explore a more yin yoga style contemplative approach to hip opening and forward bending asana. In this class students will learn how to work deeper into the lower back and hips working with more passive dynamics in releasing via connective tissue and ligamants as opposed to focusing only on streching the muscles. Patrick will also emphasize on how to relax the breathing so as to support a relaxed diagphram. This aids in a deeper opening, and can also prepare students for the alternative in practicing more actively.


Teaching Inversions

In modern yoga, inversions are often left out as many students have difficulties in effectively achieving them due to lack of understanding of the dynamics. This often leads to fear. This session for instructors will focus on how to instruct preparing for, and practicing inverted postures including headstand, handstand and forearm balance. The emphasis will be on utilizing bandhas and breath to stablize the whole body for a safe, energizing and empowering experience. Participants will work in pairs so as to develop sensitivity and awareness around what to feel and how to instruct through this.

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Yokohama, Japan + Google Map
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