Patrick Oancia: Hiroshima Workshop - YogaJaya: An Integrated Approach
YogaJaya: An Integrated Approach with Patrick Oancia
Yoga philosophy can be interpreted as a fusion of an integrated understanding of contemporary life, freedom from fear and social regimentation. An individual’s maximum potential lies in an ability to re-discover the intelligence that we call intuition and use it as a compass to navigate freely through everyday life. One of the main purposes of yoga is to first balance and optimize health and well being in order to raise this intuition.
In his teaching approach, Patrick aims to consolidate the integrated aspects of yoga to raise awareness and promote sensitivity in all aspects of life. The objective is to help ensure that we are engaged in a life-long, continually evolving and essentially healthy yoga experience.
This workshop will be of interest students of all levels and backgrounds, including total beginners to yoga, teachers, intermediate and experienced practitioners. Also recommended for those who regularly practice any modern hatha yoga traditions including Ashtanga, Jivamukti, Iyengar, Ishta, Sivananda, Anusara etc.
YogaJaya Baseworks
6/9 (Saturday) 18:00—20:30
Where it is often a misconception that yoga is only about stretching, this introductory session will inspire the use of opposing muscle groups to support the major joint complexes and their associated tendons, ligaments and cartilage. The focus is to enhance total body awareness. Various postures will be repeatedly practiced with particular emphasis on alignment sensitivity, and refined breath.
This session also look at the transition from the gross physical to subtle energetic potential in practice through easy-to-understand applications on economizing how we expend our energy by utilizing different pranayama rhythms (breathing practices), and meditation.
**This session establishes the foundation of Patrick’s approach to teaching asana and is part of the signature curriculum for the YogaJaya Teacher Trainings. Students who want to refresh the ideas from previous workshops with Patrick are also strongly encouraged to attend. Patrick refines, upgrades and presents the ideas in a consistent but unique way each year so to best consolidate the information presented.
YogaJaya- The deeper dimesions
6/10(Sunday) 09:00—12:00
This session will look at different aspects of yoga from a practical, theoretical and philosophical approach. The topics will be introduced in an easy-to-understand manner to enhance ones understanding of practicing and teaching yoga so to more deeply merge the timeless concepts with current lifestyle. The sessions will combine equal lecture and practice time.
Topics Include:
• Ethics: Exploring our ever-changing subjective truths and the objectivity of change.
• Pranayama and Mantra: Practice applications
• Dynamic and Restorative Asana: Practice and Theory
• Esoteric Anatomy: Comparing the subtle energy system with different models from other wisdom tradition philosophies and practices.
Open to:
Yoga practitioners and teachers from any yoga discipline with at least 2 years regular daily practice experience.