YogaJaya 2007, 50 hour Intensive Introductory Teacher Training
The YogaJaya TT course is designed to take place over a total of 50 hours of instruction conducted mainly during six days of 8 or 9 hours of practice each day, completed within a total time frame of six weeks (roughly one day per week).
YogaJaya understands that work commitments prevent people from immersing themselves in a consecutive daily training course. So we have designed a course to both intensify the experience and economize the time that students are immersed in the curriculum agenda per week.
What makes the YogaJaya TT different from other Yoga teacher training programs is the emphasis on the transformation in each and every one of us toward attaining our complete potential in our lives.
This course is designed to transform an individual's perceptions of yoga practice and how it relates to daily life. The facilitators that have been chosen for this course have decades of accumulated experience as yoga practitioners, teachers, therapists and artists.
Teachers include:
- Hikaru Brundtland-Japan (Sivananda Yoga Asana/Techniques/Philosophy/Ethics)
- Patrick Oancia-Spain/Canada (Hatha Yoga Asana/Techniques/Philosophy/Ethics)
- Lance Schuler-New Zealand (Inspya Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Prop Usage/Adjusting/Practical Application)
- Danny Paradise-Canada (Ashtanga-Asana/Techniques/Philosophy/Ethic)
- Daniel Aaron-United States (Vibrant Living, Jivamukti-Asana/Techniques/Philosophy/Ethics)
- Duncan Wong-United States (Yogic Arts/Techniques/Philosophy/Ethics)
- Emilo Mercuriali-Italy (Self Inquiry)
- Alastar Prentice-Scotland (Self Inquiry)
- Joanne White-Australia(Anatomy, Physiology, Body Movement)
Curriculumn will include:
● Body Movement Therapy
- Based on dance, theatre, Pilates, physiotherapy and yoga. Designed to help the individual break down inhibitions by working with the physical body as the catalyst to complete well-being.
● Self Inquiry
- Based on applied techniques of modern psychology, Eastern philosophy, and life coaching to instill a multi-dimensional look at our psychological conditioning and how to manifest our real potential through awareness.
● In-depth Study Of Multiple Modern Hatha Yoga Traditions
- To draw a cross section of how each style can offer different insight into a more broad approach to practicing and teaching. Sub-modules will include specialized techniques, teaching methodology and practical application.
● Anatomy and Physiology
- To instill a scientific understanding of how our bodies work in relation to yoga and the psychic energy system.
● Classical and Modern Yoga Philosophy/Ethics and Lifestyle
- To offer insight into how the open philosophy of yoga can be interpreted and used a vehicle to live in harmony with one's surroundings, and to modify personal lifestyles by bringing greater awareness and welcoming changing circumstances.
Those who complete the course receive an official YogaJaya Teacher Training Certificate.
(Note: YogaJaya's Teacher Training Course does not offer certification for individual hatha yoga traditions. This course is not a “yoga exclusive training”, but an introduction to how each of the subjects can deepen an individual's appreciation of their progress in yoga and life)
Graduates from this course become eligible for the advanced YogaJaya TTC.
The YogaJaya TT is a 100% practical course. This 50-hour training will be completed in direct contact with the facilitators in order to intensify the content of the course. Weekly home review is strongly recommended, but, home study and extra class time will not count toward course hour credit requirements for this training. In this course, YogaJaya aims to keep students immersed in direct contact with the facilitators.
An additional 10 class YogaJaya public class pass will be covered by the tuition paid by students, for them to use as they please throughout the course and afterward to compliment the experience.
The YogaJaya TT has outsourced sections to various recognized yoga facilitators including expert therapists in self-inquiry and self-analysis. YogaJaya believes that to become a good teacher, it is most important to study oneself and allow flexibility in welcoming change through a compassionate approach. The YogaJaya TT is set up to be an ideal platform for this transformation.
We are very pleased to add Danny Paradise as our guest Facilitating Ashtanga teacher for the course.
TT Sample Schedule
(Subject to some minor changes prior to start the course)
February 24
08:00-12:30- Hikaru Brundtland - Philosophy/ Sivananda-Asana/Techniques
In this Module, Hikaru will dive into a basic introduction to yoga philosophy and introduce the fundamental elements of the Sivananda yoga system.
Content Includes:
・History and Meaning of Yoga
・Basic Vedanta Philosophy
・The Four Paths of Yoga
・The Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga
Sivananda Yoga
・Introduction of Sivananda Yoga
・Basic pranayama
・Surya Namaskar
・12 Basic postures
12:30-14:30- Lunch
14:30-19:30- Daniel Aaron - Free Hatha-Asana/Techniques/Philosphy/Ethics
Vibrant Living Yoga utilizes challenging asana (posture), vinyasa (breath and movement), spiritual insight, pranayama (breath exercise), meditation, music, and humor. Daniel guides the trainees to the integration of asana with traditional and modern approaches to timeless wisdom as a means to liberation and consistently more delight in life. The module includes practical education for trainees on how to create an environment where yoga students can actually experience yoga self-realization.
March 3
08:00-12:30- Patrick Oancia - Free hatha Asana/ Techniques/ Philosophy/ Teacher Ethics
Patrick will display the creative possibilities of dynamic hatha yoga asana, and introduce a modern interpretation of classical yoga philosophy, and how it can be adapted to compliment contemporary lifestyle. Patrick will also touch on different aspects of teaching ethics and how they fall in line with the first two limbs of Raja yoga; yama and niyama.
The module will include:
・Variations of Sun salutations
・Creative and spontaneous dynamic asana sequencing.
・Pranayama, and meditation as a compliment to asana.
・Catharsis exercises.
・Voice projection and maintaining confident composure in the classroom space.
・Instructional narration of posture dynamics as an alternative to adjusting and demonstrating.
・Teaching ethics; student teacher relationship, class environment, responsibility as a yoga teacher and as a continuous yoga student in the learning process of being a teacher.
・Yoga in the classroom, yoga on the mat and yoga in life; the open limitless possibilities.
12:30-14:00- Lunch
14:00-19:00- Joanne White - Anatomy
In this introduction to anatomy, trainees will look at a blueprint of structural organization of the body. The focus will be on how to organize the musculoskeletal system to achieve optimum balance and efficiency of movement.
March 10
08:00-18:00- Lance Schuler - Empowering the Posture through correct Adjustment Skills
(12:00-14:00-Lunch break)
The objective of the adjustment module is to provide a supportive platform for the student to gain a better understanding of the posture and to experience the integrated nature of the pose.
The module will include:
・The principle of adjustment
・Adjustment technique
・Breathing and adjustments
・Adjustment Postures
・Props usage and posture variations
・Using props as supportive instruments that help students to execute postures.
・Accessing areas of the body with props for both beginners and advanced students.
March 17
08:00-10:00- Hikaru Brundtland -Asana/Teacher Ethics
In this module, Hikaru will expand on the integrity of the sivananda system, the dynamics of teaching the system and touch on teacher ethics in relationship to the five points of yoga.
Module will include:
Sivananda Yoga
・Surya Namaskar
・Variations of postures
・The Five Points of Yoga
10:00-10:30- Morning tea break
10:30-13:30- Alastair Prentice -Self-Inquiry and the sponsorship of the soul
Students will be working primarily with the ideas and tools of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), life coaching techniques and spiritual traditions. (Hypnosis, Tibetan Tonglen practices, Buddhism, yoga and Aikido ). In this process, students will awaken, explore and navigate growing consciousness (vijnana) to utilize and transform mental blocks and energies into resources that amplify human potential.
13:30-14:30- Lunch
14:30-17:30- Emilio Mercuriali -Self-Inquiry with the Diamond Approach/Path of Love process
Introducing the Diamond approach methodology as a tool to reconnect to essence, and true human nature. This process endeavors to reveal our psychological blockages and guides us through them toward living up to our true potential. The foundations of this work are presence, openness and understanding: an honest exploration of our structure and the capacity to be more “present” in daily life. Emilio is trained in the diamond logos academy, founded by Faisal Muqaddam and facilitates aspects of the “Path of Love” process.
March 24
09:00-11:00- Joanne White- Body Movement/dance improvisation
Trainees will use the medium of dance improvisation utilizing simple techniques to break down inhibitions in the body and find a way of moving that emerges from the soul space, freeing the body, mind and spirit.
11:00-13:00- Lunch
13:00-19:00- Duncan Wong-Yogic Arts/Techniques/Philosophy/Ethics.
Yogic Arts is a progressive blend of meditation, movement, martial arts and massage as well as a synthesis of science, spirit and art. Duncan will take students through teaching techniques, science, philosophy and practical application. This module will deliver dynamic ideas on how the art of yoga, combined with other elements can offer a way to nurture the individual spirit to generate true freedom of self expression. Aspiring teachers will gain new insight on how to open their minds, and hearts and share in the delivery of teaching integrity.
March 31
08:30-13:00- Danny Paradise-Ashtanga Yoga/ Yoga Philosophy/ Self-Inquiry/ Teacher Ethics.
Danny will break down and explain the dynamic of the basic essence of practicing and teaching the ashtanga vinyasa system. He will give details on how breath, bandhas, mudra, dristi, and dharana can merge into a nurturing approach to well being and provide effective tools for the transmission of experience
Modern philosophy topics will include:
・Yoga as a means of ageing with increasing vitality, well-being and strength, and Preparation for the Transition of Death
・Healing processes of Yoga; Shamanic and Tibetan traditions.
・Yoga as a preparation for Life: Strengthening and Healing as we age.
・Fulfilling individual destiny, mastering your dream.
13:00-14:30- Lunch
14:30-15:30- Hikaru Brundtland-Pranayama/ Meditation
Hikrau will elaborate on pranayama as the key to a rounded yoga practice. Students will be taken through the exercises finishing with guided meditation.
Hikaru Brundtland Pranama/Meditatiyaon
・Anuloma Viloma
・Guided Meditation
15:30-18:00- Patrick Oancia, Hikaru Brundland-Practical application/Assessment
This will be the final evaluation module in which students will attempt to teach each other in groups based on the their inspiration and experience during the TT. Hikaru and Patrick will evaluate the students and provide constructive advice. Please note: this evaluation will not be based on level of ability, but on the potential that comes out of the efforts made by each student. (It is strongly recommended that students use their multi-ticket passes throughout the six weeks to experience different classes at YogaJaya to see the diverse and dynamic possibilities available to modern yoga teachers in order to better prepare for this assessment module)
18:00- Finishing circle