Asami was raised in Melbourne, Australia since she was four years old. During her high school years, she dreamt of becoming a singer. Upon graduation, Asami entered a national talent contest that was broadcast on national TV. Although passing many auditions, she could not get past the top twenty contestants. Feeling as though her dream would never be realized, Asami gave up singing and eventually found her self in a very unhappy situation that led to an eating disorder.
In 2005, Asami decided to move back to Japan. She had begun practicing yoga at a local fitness centre. Soon there after, she came to know of YogaJaya. Despite her previous experience, her first few classes at YogaJaya changed her ideas about yoga completely. She found the dynamic approach to yoga helped to strengthen the body, which in turn helped to strengthen and open her mind.
Using the body as a medium, Asami began to grasp a deeper understanding of her will power, emotions and thoughts.
After one and half years of intensive practice under the guidance of Patrick Oancia, Asami decided she wanted to gain a greater understanding of pranayama and meditation, and enrolled herself in a six month yoga teacher training course in Pondicherry, India.
For six months, Asami studied Gitananda Yoga at Ananda Ashram. Gitananda Yoga teaches yoga as a way of living and focuses on pranayama techniques originating from Ancient Bengali Tantric traditions. At the Ashram, Asami followed the disciplined routine which incorporated rising at 5am, meditative sitting for an hour, a physical practice of basic asanas, karma yoga duties, two hours of pranayama and relaxation, studying mantra and yantra, and hearing lectures focusing on the eight limbs of Patanjalis Yoga sutras daily.
Completing the course gave her tremendous confidence and the greatest thing she learnt from her experience was that the one freedom we truly have is the freedom to choose our attitude.
Asami is presently complementing her yoga practice by studying a degree in Naturopathy. She is also active again in singing and songwriting.
Asami is certified by Gitananda Yoga and is presently a full time teaching faculty at YogaJaya. She leads daily classes and workshops implementing pranayama, dynamic yoga asana, yantra and mantra into her teaching.