Francois Chaillou

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Francois Chaillou began his journey with Raja yoga in 1980. He began his asana practice with Bernadette Pajot, a close disciple of TKV Desikachar and head of the “Trois Fontaines“ association in Vendee, France.

He then began practising Sivananda yoga in Rishikesh and spent 14 years in Kerala, south India, studying with different teachers of the same tradition before completing his Sivananda teacher training in California in 1995.

Francois spent several years studying ashtanga vinyasa yoga in Mysore, India, under the guidance of B.N.S. Iyengar and Yogi V.Sheshadri. He has also followed the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar with Rudra and Usha in Rishikesh for three years, continuing on at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of Bondi Junction in Sydney, Australia.

Francois completed five years of training as a forest monk at Ubon Ratchathani under the guidance of Achaan Cha, a vipassana meditation master in the Buddhist forest monk tradition of Thailand.

He later continued the discipline in France with Achaan Pankrao, a master recognized by the last patriarch of the Buddhist Laosian sangha as the successor of the Forest Monk line. He had the privilege of being the only disciple under Achaan Pankrao’s guidance at that time.

Francois has also spent extended periods in Burma, practicing silent meditation with the Venerable Paauk Sayadaw, who is also one of the last masters recognized for his unique teachings using the Jhanas (concentration steps) in order to attain the vipassana meditation techniques.

Francois completed comprehensive study of Shiatsu massage at the Zen Renaissance clinic in Sydney, Australia. The studies included Sinarteriology (meridian flow), and and extensive work with movement of Pranna (or vital force, breath). He also completed an indepth course in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Mungkala Acupuncture clinic in Chiang-Mai, Thailand with Dr. Rungrat, one of only ten doctors authorized to teach Traditional Chinese Medicine in the country.

Francois recently completed a meditation retreat in Sri Lanka where he also participated in extensive Tsunami relief.

Francios has traveled the world extensively teaching yoga, meditating and continuing to expand on his experience. He also holds a licence in and is an avid skydiver!

Francois’s gentle, easy going manner has made him a popular yoga teacher worldwide, sharing his combined knowledge in an open, non-competitive and friendly way.

Francois currently has an instructional yoga video in distribution in Canada for beginner and advanced yoga students.

**People interested in Acupuncture or Shiatsu consultations with Francois may contact YogaJaya directly by email or telephone.


Physically, my body was changing. I felt physically and mentally stable, and I felt my feet firmly on the ground. I was able to concentrate and pay attention to the details of my body and my mind.


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