Jane has been actively practicing yoga for the past 20 years . She first began Iyengar yoga while she was at School when needing some stress release during her busy study schedule. This turned into a passion that continued through her life in Australia and after she moved to Japan. At the same time she discovered yoga, Jane was very interested in natural medicine and the healing arts.
She began studying Naturopathy in Melbourne and became interested in spiritual healing. She then left on a world trip with one of her first stops being Japan. Jane’s first visit to Japan was short but that was when she met her future husband. Marrying and settling in Japan 3 years later, Jane spent her early years here studying Japanese and working at Yokohama National University on a World Bank sponsored program for under developed nations and another at a company helping foreigners with daily life in Japan.
During her first few years in Japan, yoga had been wrongly associated with the shin om rikyo gas attack on Tokyo subway. There were few places at that time in which to practice yoga, so she maintained her self/home practice for several years.
Due to the recent yoga boom, Jane was able to find more of an outlet with yoga and like-minded people. She is presently a devoted ashtanga practitioner and loves the integration of the intense physicality in conjunction with the calming and cleansing on all levels.
Recently Jane returned to her passion of natural therapy and last year received her qualification to practice Iridology (study of the colored part of the eye, called the iris, to determine potential health problems or prevent health problems in the future). She is also currently studying a Bachelor of Science in Naturopathy (Natural Medicine). This includes the study of homeopathy, botanic medicine and diet. Jane is also very interested in raw food as it has been a great balancing force in her own life and in her yoga practice. She is constantly experimenting with new menus and food preparation and also tries to grow as much of her own food as possible. Jane sees yoga and natural therapies as a way of life, complimenting each other and helping to balance her busy life in Japan.
Jane mainly practices Ashtanga yoga as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India.
Jane has completed Nancy Gilgoff’s adjustment clinic and the IYC teacher training and has also studied with teachers including Louisa Sear, John Scott , Mark Darby , and Govinda Kai.