Mark Singleton has a Ph.D in Divinity from the University of Cambridge, UK. He has written extensively on yoga, notably the books “Yoga in the Modern World”, “Contemporary Perspectives” (the first ever collection of scholarship on modern yoga) and “Yoga Body, the Origins of Modern Posture Practice”, (which Yoga Journal said “should be on the reading list of every serious student and teacher training program”). His current work focuses on the translation of early Sanskrit hatha yoga texts. A new collection, entitled “Gurus of Modern Yoga”, will appear with Oxford University Press next year. He is a certified yoga teacher in the Iyengar and Satyananda traditions. He teaches at St. John’s College, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Magazine of Yoga writes: “Mark Singleton is one of the most valuable, vocal and articulate advocates for yoga practitioners and yoga scholars to put aside their differences and engage the questions that bear upon their shared interests. His writing and teaching provide a bridge between the concerns of academia and those of practice.”
Japanese translation of “Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice” to be released on Ohsumi Shoten in Fall 2013.