Yasue Yonezawa

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Yasue’s interest in the movement of human body began through drawing exercises when studying art at university.

She was also active for several years in skiing and surfing and also spent extended periods of time doing aerobics.

She went on to teach aerobics at fitness clubs in Tokyo, and discovered yoga on a trip to Los Angeles. She had suffered many injuries through intense sport activities, and was amazed at the healing effect that Yoga had on her body, and mind. Inspired by yoga, she attended and completed the level 1 YogaFit Teacher Training in Los Angeles, and began teaching Power Yoga at fitness clubs around Tokyo.

From 2002 to 2004, she went on to complete the Yoga Fit Level 2 and 3 Teacher Trainings, and studied ashtanga and Iyenger yoga at the Life Center in Notting Hill, UK. In addition to this, completed the Yoga Arts Level 1 Teacher Training in order to gain a deeper understanding of yoga. She has participated in workshops with Louisa Searand Natalia Pisano. Completed David Swenson’s Ashtanga Primary Series Teacher Trining in 2005, and received a Sivananda Yoga Instructor Certificate in India, 2007. Yasue is registered as teacher with the International Yoga Alliance.

Yasue presently maintains daily practice, which varies between free style hatha, vinyasa, and sivananda yoga with the intention to continue to broaden her outlook and experience.

She wants to create an opportunity for every student to experience change from outside and inside through sharing various perspectives. She values her time with students, and hopes to help people to encourage meaning and challenge in their daily lives.


Physically, my body was changing. I felt physically and mentally stable, and I felt my feet firmly on the ground. I was able to concentrate and pay attention to the details of my body and my mind.


  • Easily learn with hundreds of informative lecture videos created by experienced teachers, which go far beyond the typical “yoga” related content
  • Practice method that builds body awareness and safely develops strength, flexibility and control over movements.


  • Interactive online platform, fine-tuned over the past 5 years. Unique learning architecture
  • Self-paced study, no payment upfront, check it out before any commitment
  • All in-person learning only in small groups or one-on-one
  • Focus on skill-building and understanding rather than memorization
  • 100% of our graduates feel confident to teach immediately
  • Fully online with hybrid options available


  • “A movement practice that makes sense”
  • “A movement practice that connects the dots”
  • An approach for those who wants to “understand WHY”