Adi Carter: Detox Series Workshop: collaboration with pangea organics

March 27, 2010 - March 28, 2010
Tags : | asana | chakra | detox | diet | environment | hatha yoga | lecture | lifestyle | mental health | organic | sustainability | vinyasa

Detox to re-tox? The pattern might seem like a never-ending cliche´, however there are several considerations and choices that one can make to prevent feeling completely toxic and overwhelmed by our fast paced lives. Join Adi for a workshop focusing on physical toxicity in the digestive system and the core region of the body.

“If you go to only one yoga workshop this year…this is it. Adi is one of the most knowledgeable and intuitive yoga teachers in NY…she is brilliant when it comes to anatomy and how the poses work” -Jenny MacFarlane, Director of Three Jewels Yoga Center NYC

Course space Limited. Confirmation by advanced booking only.

Module 1: PHYSICAL

March 27th 08:00-10:30

This workshop includes a detailed discussion on how our diet, lifestyle, and products that we consume affect our bodies and the way we feel. Suggestions for dietary and herbal considerations will be discussed before moving on to the practice of a vinyasa based detox yoga sequence created to flush toxins from the body and bring awareness to the digestive system and core muscle groups. Filled with twists, abdominal work, arm balances and creative yoga sequencing, this workshop will leave you with an awareness of your digestive region and knowledge about what changes and considerations you can make in your diet and lifestyle to help reduce toxicity on a daily basis.


March 27th 19:00-21:30

Dealing with the emotional sources of toxicity, this workshop uses the energetic regions of the chakras to discuss emotional toxicity and how feelings such as anger, sadness and fear trigger certain responses in our bodies that cause us to feel emotionally toxic. We will discuss how toxic emotional build up can also lead to food cravings, over indulgences and eating disorders that contribute to toxicity in our bodies on a physical level. The discussion for this workshop will detail the three main lower chakra regions (located where the digestive track runs) of the muladhara, svadhisthana and manipura and how imbalances in these regions block energy from rising to the higher chakras (located in the heart, throat, brow and crown of head) where we emotionally process relationships with others. Dietary and herbal considerations will be discussed to balance emotional and mental toxicity and purification of individual chakras. Following the discussion, a vinyasa based detox yoga sequence will focus on twists, hip and shoulder opening and backbends to re-align the spine so as to improve emotional and energetic flow through the 7 chakras.

Module 3: SURFACE

March 28th 08:00-10:30

In honor of the planet and Earth Day, Pangea Organics presents a unique workshop highlighting the importance of organic skin care and body maintenance as a means to help reduce toxicity in our bodies and living environment. Join Adi Carter for a workshop that discusses why our skin (the largest organ in our body) is coming in contact with over 200 chemicals a day, many of which originate in the skin care products that we use daily- even the ones that are labeled as natural or organic. This workshop will educate you on ways that you can take care of your body without the use of toxic products that are also damaging to the environment (the average bar of soap takes over 200 years to biodegrade). Learn about affordable dietary and lifestyle choices you can make to stay healthy, energized and balanced without creating a negative impact on the planet. Following the discussion, Adi will lead students through a vinyasa flow class to help purify the body while bringing an awareness to the digestive track, circulatory and lymphatic systems to help flush out toxins.

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