Chris Kummer: Yoga and Anatomy: Enlightening Your Understanding of Yoga Practices

August 22, 2011 - August 26, 2011
Tags : | anatomy and physiology | asana | hatha yoga | health | hip openers | physical performance | pranayama | teaching methodology | vinyasa | yoga therapy

CET (Continuing Education and Training Program)

This immersion is accredited for YJCET, and Yoga Alliance CET (continuing education) to maintain YogaJaya Accreditation and Yoga Alliance registration status.
more info on CET programs.....

A series of workshops to assist in building a stronger foundation for your actions.

Module 1: Hip Hip Hooray! - Lower Back and Hip joint

August 22nd 18:45-21:15

The hips are the most important joints in traditional yoga asana practice. Flexibility and restrictions in this area affect our overall posture and practice. This workshop addresses structural possibilities and explores postural options for opening and supporting the pelvis – leg connection and the associated lower back region. Learn what might be holding you back and find a closer connection to the use of your muscles of the legs, pelvic floor and core.

Module 2: Super Yogi - Yoga, the nervous system and hormone function

August 23rd 18:45-21:15

Yoga practice is much more than fitness. Providing unique benefits, asana practice can have profound influences on the development of the nervous system and the body. Modern research now validates the effectiveness of yoga and asana practice. Find out how you can increase your brain and health potential, tune your hormonal system and live less stressed.

Module 3: Bigger is Better vs Less is More
- Breathing, Pranayama and integrated breath in postures

August 26th 18:45-21:15

Vinyasa yoga practice teaches us to move with the breath. Greater awareness of the use of breath can facilitate more ease and enjoyment of yoga postural practice. This workshop deepens the understanding of the effects of breath, its application to various types of movement and postures in yoga, plus practical pranayama considerations.

Teachers & Experienced Practitioner Workshop

The Lightness of Being - Spinal integrity, muscles and alignment in asana practice

August 25th 13:00-15:30

This workshop is a postural exploration of the integrated body. Explore the fine line between therapy and injury in yoga asana practice. With the use of practical examples, stability, balance and alignment of postures are explained. This workshop addresses details and principles often helpful for teachers and experienced students wishing to refine performance and observation skills.

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