Mark Shveima: The Body As A Temple: An Exploration of Foundation & Sacred Space

September 17, 2011 - September 18, 2011
Tags : | anusara yoga | asana | chakra | hatha yoga | mantra | meditation | pranayama

CET (Continuing Education and Training Program)

This immersion is accredited for YJCET, and Yoga Alliance CET (continuing education) to maintain YogaJaya Accreditation and Yoga Alliance registration status.

more info on CET programs.....

What type of ground is your life most firmly rooted into?

What type of sacred space have you built upon the ground of your life?

These are our considerations as we explore the asana practice from both the perspective of the physical body, and the emotional content of the energy vortices of the muladhara and svadhishthana chakras.

The body is a sacred vessel, with the capacity to assist us in our movement toward a more harmonious relationship with our emotional core. When we truly listen to what is being communicated from the body, we can often receive profound insight into our emotional state as well.

Mark will teach you alignment principles from the Anusara Yoga tradition. These principles will increase your understanding of how to stabilize the periphery of the body. This stabilization will allow you to experience a stronger connection to the core of your body, and establish a more harmonious relationship between the two. At the same time, you will engage in some basic mantra repetition, pranayama, and meditation that will help bring your awareness into contact with the emotional energies of the muladhara and svadhishthana. In this way, you will be able to begin to explore your own emotional foundation and sacred space.

Both workshops are open to all levels of students. No previous Anusara or chakra experience is necessary. All that is required is a sense of curiosity and adventure!

Module 1: Foundation

September 17th 08:00-10:30

This workshop will consist of standing balances, backbends, and a short handstand sequence. Our chakra focus will be the muladhara. Our intention will be to create a foundation that feels rooted and stabilized. You will learn:

  • How to properly set your foundation
  • How to integrate the periphery of the physical body into the core of the energetic body
  • How to create support for the joints to prevent injury

Module 2: Sacred Space

September 18th 08:00-10:30

This workshop will consist of hip openers, twists, and forward bends. Our chakra focus will be the svadhishthana. Our intention will be to create a sacred space that feels secure and safe. You will learn:

  • How to efficaciously align the spine
  • How to create more physical and energetic space in the torso
  • How to maximize the release of physical and emotional tension in the pelvis and low back

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比寿西1丁目25−11 渋谷区, 東京 1530042 Japan + Google Map
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