Nancy Gilgoff: 2005 Tokyo Ashtanga Yoga Workshop & Teachers Clinic
All level workshop from the 10th to 13th:
Thurs. 10th 19:00-21:30
- Short Discussion
- Yoga practice: The “4-purifications” breathing practice, Ashtanga primary series to Navasana.
Fri. 11th 19:00-21:30
- Short Discussion
- Yoga practice: The “4-purifications” breathing practice, Ashtanga primary series to Navasana.
Sat. Jan 12. 11:00 to 14:00
- Short Discussion
- Yoga practice: Full primary series led class.
- Closing: Loving-kindness meditation.
Sun. 13th 11:00-14:00
- Short Discussion
- Yoga practice: Full primary series led class.
- Closing: Loving-kindness meditation.
Wed. 16th to Sun. 20th TEACHERS’ CLINIC
(limited to 30 applicants. This workshop requires a prerequisite of 2 years of daily Ashtanga practice, and or anyone presently teaching ashtanga yoga to enter. Details of applicant’s practice history to be included with application for clinic)
Wed. 16th to Fri. 18th
10:00-12:00 - Mysore practice
18:00-21:00 - Adjustment clinic
Sat. 19th
11:00-17:00 - Mysore and Adjustment Clinic
Sun. 20th
11:00-16:30 - Mysore and Adjustment Clinic
The only requirement for participants in the teachers’ clinic is that they attend all of adjustment clinics held on the weekday evenings and weekend afternoons. However it is recommended that participants attend for the morning mysore sessions as well.
* Question and Answer sessions will be included in all of Nancy’s teachings.
Ashtanga Yoga is dynamic. It combines deep rhythmic breathing, flowing movement, and classical hatha yoga postures. The practice creates internal heat, which purifies the body leaving one feeling light and energetic.
All yoga provides a profound understanding of the mechanics of ones own body. Regular yoga practice releases tension throughout the body, improves posture, tones muscles, creates strength, balance and flexibility. Yoga also provides one with a very tangible way of understanding how to maintain psychological balance and harmony.