Patrick Oancia & Satoko Horie: YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga: An Integrated Approach (Nagoya)

August 2, 2014 - August 2, 2014
Tags : | asana | Baseworks Practice | biomechanics | hatha yoga | Patrick Oancia

YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga" combines refined breathing with asana practice that ranges from working on the details in structural alignment, to promoting fluidity and grace through awareness in movement. This practice safely builds from beginner to more experienced dynamics in a complete and holistic way.

These 2 sessions will offer students a basic introduction to YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga".

**Workshop open to all levels and backgrounds, including teachers, intermediate and advanced practitioners. Also recommended for those who regularly practice any modern hatha yoga traditions including Ashtanga, Jivamukti, Iyengar, Ishta, Sivananda, Anusara etc.** 

Saturday Morning

Introduction: YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga 1.0 Sequence. Asana Practice, Lecture and Theory(All Level, Yoga Teachers)

2 hours

The first stages of “YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga” focus on developing natural breathing in coordination with functional movement. Students will learn how to to used refined breathing and move the body consciously so to establish solid foundations to progress from.

This session will look at the key points of “YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga” followed by an introductory “Baseworks 1.0 Sequence”.

Saturday afternoon

Sthira Sukham Asanam: Core Foundation- YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga 2.0 Sequence. (All Level, Intermediate, Yoga Teachers)

2.5 hours

Sthira (steady) Sukham (comfortable) Asanam (posture) is one of the many aphorisms introduced by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. It is said that when the body and mind achieve equanimity that the feet, legs, pelvis, torso, arms, hands, neck, throat and head are perfectly balanced. YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga” focuses on developing core strength accompanied by a relaxed, but steady composure.

As an extension to the morning topics, this session will first outline the “YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga” approach to building core stability followed by a “Baseworks 2.0 Sequence”. In this session “YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga” certified senior instructors will perform a demonstration of the “YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga intermediate 3.0” sequence. This demonstration offers a glimpse of some of the content that will be covered in the “YogaJaya Baseworks Yoga Level 1 and Level 2 Immersions”.

Workshop open to all levels and backgrounds, including teachers, intermediate and advanced practitioners. Also recommended for those who regularly practice any modern hatha yoga traditions including Ashtanga, Jivamukti, Iyengar, Ishta, Sivananda, Anusara etc.**

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