LANCE SCHULER: Premier Tokyo Inspya Yoga Workshop The Elixir of Yoga Practice for Self Discovery

December 1, 2005 - December 4, 2005
Tags : | asana | bandha | hatha yoga | inspya yoga | meditation | pranayama

Workshop Components

All level workshop.

All components or sessions of the whole workshop are sequential, although classes can be taken individually.
All classes include appropriate pranayama and introduction to meditation.

December 1, 2005 (Thursday Evening)
19:30-22:00-YogaJaya Studio in Omotesando

First Module

Overview and General Assessment:
Key Areas: Flexibility/Strength/Balance/Endurance

Establish a connection of all key areas with breath, bandahs and asana. Implementation of whole body asana workout.

December 2, 2005 (Friday Evening)
19:30-22:00-YogaJaya Studio in Omotesando

Second Module

The Pillars/Building Blocks:

Core strength and postural stability focus. Legs, abdominals, lower back and torso awareness. Pranayama directed to the physical body.

December 3, 2005 (Saturday Morning)
9:00-11:30-YogaJaya Studio in Omotesando

Third Module

Mobility/Flexibility of Body and Mind:

Physical component of class directed to interconnective tissues and joints, primarily spine, hips, shoulders, neck, knees, ankles and wrists. These areas will complement and stem from the building blocks previously identified. Pranayama directed more to the subtle body.

December 3, 2005 (Saturday Afternoon)
13:30-16:00-YogaJaya Studio in Omotesando

Fourth Module

Balance and Upper Body Strength:

A power workout, cultivating stamina, strength and mind focus incorporating a rhythmic breath. Meditation is essential.

December 4, 2005 (Sunday Morning)
9:00-11:30-YogaJaya Studio in Omotesando

Fifth Module

Back Bends, Twists, Forward Bends and Inversions:

Taking your practice to every corner of your world. Experience the total stability on conclusion of this session. Pranayama and Meditation to compliment the practice.

December 4, 2005 (Sunday Afternoon)
13:30-16:00-YogaJaya Studio in Omotesando

Sixth Module

Class of Integration:

Asana, Pranayama, Bandahs and Meditation

Featured Instructors

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